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So the exams are finally over(except for the school of medicine) and students are fired up that you can almost feel the scent of adrenaline in the air.Four things are rife now that everybody is in a party mood:sex,partying,drinking and hangovers.The evidence lay scattered everywhere from broken beer bottles to used condoms littering the compound.To celebrate the end of the torturous and unforgiving exam week,my peeps and I took it to the club quite literally last Friday.Meet the cast:
Tom-a high school buddy who has the ability to sense the smell of alcohol from two metres away.This guy can track a bottle of whisky in a similar manner a German shepherd dog would track a pellet of cocaine.
Andy-a proffesional drinker who has numerously participated in tequila drinking competitions and emerged tops.If they were to award medals for drinking,his medal cabinet would make Arsene Wenger jealous.
Me-an amateur drinker who can get intoxicated even with the mere waft of alcohol.I have had a previous stint with alcohol but that’s just it,our relation has never been an intimate one.I once experimented with alcohol in high school and vowed never to try again.Half a bottle of beer was enough to make me haul insults at the principal and dare him to a fist fight.This stunt earned me a letter of suspension plus a terrible hangover as a bonus

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After having one too many(or rather half too few for me since two bottles of beer was just what i needed to get so intoxicated),I started my drinking stunts hauling insults at passers by and throwing up everywhere.This was a huge insult at the drinking prowess of my buddies and they decided to “teach” me a lesson by leaving me at Moi Avenue.They had not even began drinking yet here I was murmuring inaudible words and performing all crazy stunts.I don’t know what happened next or how it happened but I woke up the next morning with a terrible headache in the ladies hostel with a nude chick by my side.

About Ogalloh

A computer programmer wannabe,movie and music junkie...............oooohh!!!! and a guitar and tech enthusiast.

Posted on February 3, 2012, in campus life. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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